200 QR codes are being displayed throughout Huelva to inform visitors of the cultural activities within the province

Los displays con el código QR creado por 'Territorio Huelva'.
Los displays con el código QR creado por 'Territorio Huelva'.
Los displays con el código QR creado por 'Territorio Huelva'.
One QR code displayed.

Jack Green. Tourists that visit the province can now be aware of events, local heritage and cultural activities that are happening. The initial idea, was when two young Onubenses (the name for people from Huelva) Raul Garcia and Noelia Lopez decided to launch a concept to inform tourists of interesting things that were going on within the city.

Territorio Huelva has put up more than 200 QR codes displayed in locations across the coast and the capital. Hotels, hostels, tourist offices, camp sites etc. The visitors only have to take out their mobile phone with a connection to the internet and an app that can read QR codes and they can instantly access what is happening in every corner of the province. (Concerts, exhibitions, walks, theatre etc.)

Festival de Cine de Huelva

All that is needed is a smart phone, computer or a tablet to benefit this practical new initiative. Raul Garcia said «The tourist is not going to go away with an empty experience, what’s more is that they will enjoy the beaches and the food, get to know our traditions and heritage. It is a way to combat the phrase that there is nothing in Huelva».

Local businesses that attract tourists are very happy with the new enterprise, Garcia said “during the summer receptionists in the hotels are so busy that sometimes they are unable to answer the questions from clients of what to do. Now there’s a solution to their question…” they have everything at their fingertips with Que Hacer Hoy en Huelva.

Puerto de Huelva

Territorio Huelva also offers other ways to read their content. They have a monthly magazine on their website – which can be downloaded in pdf. Also they have just launched an application for Android 4.0 and for the iPhone where you can download the app from Google Play and the Apple Store.

Interesting words
Within – dentro de
Take out – sacar
Corner – esquina
Everything at your fingertips – al alcance de la mano de uno

Colocan códigos QR en 200 establecimientos turísticos para informar a los visitantes de las actividades culturales de la provincia

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